Corporate Social Responsibility

Bridge Placement supports PALAM (NGO), which is actively engaged in shaping and supporting the community. The PALAM (NGO) has touched the lives of many families comprising of adults and children, empowering them through education and employability, giving them better health care and providing them a platform to learn, grow and lead better lives. 


This is the initiative of  PALAM (NGO). It seeks to provide holistic development to Destitute children and women enabling them to enjoy their right to education, healthcare and providing them the necessary support to realize their dreams..


This trust was set up to improve the life of women and youth. PALAM (NGO) believes that everyone has a right to succeed in this world and financial weakness should not be a restraining factor. Our community development programmes have touched the lives of many families and have provided education, health care and financial independence to many children and women..